The Intersection of Cloud Native and Edge Computing

The Intersection of Cloud Native and Edge Computing

Cloud Native and Edge Computing are two technologies that are transforming the way businesses build and deploy applications. While they may seem like two separate domains, they are increasingly intersecting as organizations seek to build more distributed, scalable, and responsive applications. In this article, we'll explore the intersection of Cloud Native and Edge Computing, and how they are changing the landscape of application development and deployment.

What is Cloud Native?

Cloud Native is a software development approach that leverages cloud technologies to build applications that are designed to run in the cloud. Cloud Native applications are built using microservices architecture, which breaks down complex applications into smaller, modular components that can be developed and deployed independently. Cloud Native applications are also designed to be scalable, resilient, and agile, allowing organizations to quickly respond to changing business needs.

What is Edge Computing?

Edge Computing is a computing paradigm that brings computation and data storage closer to the devices and sensors that generate it. Rather than sending data to centralized data centers, Edge Computing processes and analyzes data locally, at the "edge" of the network. Edge Computing is becoming increasingly important as organizations seek to build applications that require low latency, high bandwidth, and real-time response.

The Intersection of Cloud Native and Edge Computing

The intersection of Cloud Native and Edge Computing is creating new opportunities for organizations to build more scalable, resilient, and responsive applications. Here are some key ways in which Cloud Native and Edge Computing intersect:

  • Edge-native applications

Cloud Native and Edge Computing can be used together to build edge-native applications that are designed to run at the edge of the network. These applications are built using microservices architecture and are designed to be lightweight and agile, enabling organizations to quickly respond to changing business needs. Edge-native applications can be used in a variety of industries, such as manufacturing, transportation, and healthcare, to enable real-time decision-making and improve operational efficiency.

  • Hybrid architectures

Cloud Native and Edge Computing can be combined to create hybrid architectures that leverage the benefits of both technologies. In a hybrid architecture, some components of the application run in the cloud, while others run at the edge of the network. This enables organizations to process and analyze data locally, while still leveraging the scalability and resilience of cloud-based infrastructure. Hybrid architectures can be used in a variety of use cases, such as autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and industrial automation.

  • Distributed computing

Cloud Native and Edge Computing can also be used to build distributed computing systems that are designed to handle large volumes of data and compute resources. These systems are built using microservices architecture and are designed to be highly scalable and resilient. By distributing computation and data processing across the network, organizations can improve the performance and responsiveness of their applications, while reducing latency and bandwidth requirements.

  • DevOps for Edge Computing

Cloud Native and Edge Computing are also changing the way organizations approach DevOps. In a Cloud Native and Edge Computing environment, DevOps teams must be able to manage the entire application lifecycle, from development to deployment, across multiple environments. This requires a new set of tools and processes that enable teams to manage the complexity of distributed applications and infrastructure. DevOps for Edge Computing requires a high degree of automation, continuous integration, and continuous delivery, as well as tools for monitoring, testing, and troubleshooting.


The intersection of Cloud Native and Edge Computing is creating new opportunities for organizations to build more scalable, resilient, and responsive applications. By leveraging the benefits of both technologies, organizations can create edge-native applications, build hybrid architectures, implement distributed computing, and embrace DevOps for Edge Computing. However, building and managing Cloud Native and Edge Computing environments requires a new set of skills, tools, and processes, and organizations must be willing to invest in the necessary infrastructure and expertise. Ultimately, the intersection of Cloud Native
